
Memories Chapter 3: America x Reader

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Memories: America X Reader
Chapter 3: Let's meet again.
It was 3AM and Matthew was wide awake shaking scared and curled up around his polar bear.
3AM was haunting hour and Mathew was fully aware of that. He sat there starring at the door as it
slowly creaked open whining a creepy sound as it revealed a dark figure. Matthew yelps and throws a
pillow at the figure hiding behind kumajirou.
"Whoa, Dude, Ha ha, don't throw pillows at me."
Matthew was furious as he sat up in the bed, and stared furiously at his brother.
"You woke me up at 3 in the morning because?" he yells in a whisper.
"Well, yeah if we wan 'a get to Maine by noon we should leave now."
Matthew actually raised his voice for once and glared at his brother.
Matthew was breathing heavily as Alfred stared at him blinking as he handed the pillow back to
Matthew and then backed up back to the door.
"Well... uh... I uh... I have my fastest car, and well you wanted to sleep last night and the car is all
Alfred grabbed the cold door knob in his hand and started closing the door with a creek again.  
Alfred nervously laughs as he backs up out the door, and Matthew starts to calm down and become
his normal self as he sheepishly gets out of bed and gets read.
"... um... what was I doing again." Matthew blinked a few times as he looked down at his polar bear it
just stairs back "who are you?"
Alfred knocks on the door again in a few minutes
"Um... you ready bro?"
Matthew was dressed and holding his polar bear in his arms smiling sweetly at his brother. Alfred
wondered for a second if maybe Matthew was secretly related to Ivan somehow, after all their
countries where about the same, but then again Alfred was capable of outbursts like that himself and
brushed it aside.
"Yup all set, uh... do you mind if I keep uh..." He looks down at his polar bear not really remembering
his name, so he just raises it up "Can I keep him in the car with me, your driving scares me a little."
"Sure lets go... at this point we'll get there around 4PM.K."
Matthew happily walks around his brother to the kitchen to grab something to eat quickly before
going to the garage to find Alfred standing by a sleek red car with a pitch black roof side view mirror
that looked like handle bars and chrome wheels. This car looked, felt, put out creepy vibes of fast, and
it was.
"... um... we're not going to be driving in that right" Matthew was shaking clinging tightly to his polar
"Well Yeah you said you wanted to be in Maine by noon didn't you?"
"Um... it's a 12 hour drive."
"Yeah I know but this right here can go from zero to 60 MPH in 3.7 seconds, and you don't even feel it
in the cabin but you can hear it"
Alfred's eyes lit up like a kids would if they were in a candy shop when he keep going on and on about
the car, and as he did Matthew keep getting more and more shaky. Before Matthew knew it he was
strapped into the passenger seat and clinging to the polar bear for dear life as Alfred Flew up I-95 He
let the car open up and was smiling like a mad man as he got giddy from the sound of the cars purr.
"A-Alfred can we slow down"
Matthew whimpered and just as he did a set of flashing red blue and white lights appeared behind the
car and then whooped.
"Alfred there's a police car behind you slow down"
Alfred looked over at his brother with the 'I know glare' and pulled over reaching into his pocket and
digging out his wallet as there was a tap on the window. He rolled the window down.
"Hello Officer"
"License, Registration please"
Alfred flashed the officer his goofy smile and flipped open his wallet to reveal his federal ID and
handing the officer his registration. The officer blinked a few times
"OH uh... ambassador America sir. I uh...I didn't realize it was you."
"That's ok Dude, so how much is the ticket for?"
"Ticket?" the officer looked down in his hands at his ticket pad and flipped it shut quickly. "You're
clearly late for a meeting with Ambassador..."
"Oh this is the Ambassador of Canada, yeah we're kind'a late... actually would you mind giving us an
escort? It would sure make our trip easier."
The officer got excited and nodded.
"I can give you one to the edge of Marylyn from there I'll radio ahead and tell the others that you're
coming and not to stop you"
The officer flipped on his lights and speed ahead of Alfred. This time Matthew glared back at his
brother with the "Oh really" eyes.
"What?" Alfred grinned "It's not like I abuse my position every day, we just have some place to be."
While Alfred was racing along up I-95 behind the police officer you where getting your house ready for
company other than Arthur.
"Where would you like this voze, Luv?"
Arthur stuck his head around the corner from the kitchen.
"Oh that goes on the window sill, Oh gosh I have to go get flowers, oh and we need milk, oh and..."
you start to look around for a pen and paper as you start writing a list for the grocery store "do you
want anything Arth-"
"No, Luv, I'm fine"
He gently kisses your temple as you turn to look into his dark green emerald eyes that always pulled
you in, but there was always that little something missing.
"Listen, how about I make dinner tonight?"
You burst out in laughter as you put down the pen and kiss Arthur on the lips as he pulls you in for a
"That's funny, but I'll cook tonight."
You get up and grab your list, folding it up and put it into your purse. And you grab your keys swinging
them around your finger.
"So wan 'a come with me to get the groceries?"
Arthur smiled and looked over at you lovingly. Before picking up his keys and jingling them.
"Do we have to take the smart car, can't we take the Vanquish?"
You frown and gave Arthur puppy dog eyes. Arthur stood his ground until you walk up to him and
lightly kiss him on the cheek and gave him the puppy dog eyes again. He sighed and put his keys back
down on the table as you hug him and then pull him out the door.
As you are driving your phone rings, you look over at Arthur.
"Do you mind picking that up please?"
He smiles and flashes the number at you. It was Matthew again. You nodd your head to say pick it up
and all the sudden you hear a freaked out whimpering voice on the other end.
"__-__________..." You look at the phone wide eyed as Arthur turns the phone to him
"What's wrong Matthew, are you ok, is Alfred ok?"
Even though Arthur didn't exactly want Alfred to come, but since his brother left him he has been
even more protective of Alfred then anyone other than you. Arthur looked back over to you, and saw
you where looking at him worried as you pulled the car over to a stop on the side of the road.
"Matthew what is wrong? Tell me now." Arthur yelled into the phone looking worried himself
"A-Alfred is a mad man... we'll be at ___________'s p-place in an hour."
You looked down at the cars clock it read 11 o'clock. Matthew had said that they wouldn't be there
until 6 at night. You frantically looked at Arthur. The house wasn't clean, well it was... just not the
length that you wanted it clean to, if you had it your way there wouldn't be any dust in it at all. Not to
mention you had no food in the house. You grabbed the phone from Arthur and put it up to your ear.
"What do you mean you're going to be here in an hour..." you listened to Matthew as he told you his
story of terror "Ok... uh well you still have your spare key right?............ Well just go ahead in and make
yourself comfortable."
You look back over at Arthur.
"Well they'll be here in an hour, and um... I think Alfred has traumatized Matthew for life."
"Alfred is a bloody tosser" Arthur was a little angry with his brother for tormenting Matthew with his
crazy erratic driving, but even angrier that he got here before the planed time.
"Alfred is a bit crazy, yes, but not a tosser."
Arthur and you finished up your grocery shopping quickly, and rushed home to put everything away.
You even picked up a few extra things that weren't on your list because you knew they were Alfred's
favorites. Arthur agreed that you should pick up things for Alfred. You even picked up some vanilla ice
cream special for Matthew.
Alfred pulled up to your house and saw his older brothers Aston Martin Vanquish, in different words it
was the car he used to woo women that he knew loved cars, or at least liked things that can go fast.  
Alfred didn't like the site of the car at all. All of his fond memories of that car from when he was
younger and still lived over in England for part of his time, but that was all gone now that it was pulled
up and parked in front of your lavish looking house. You where an astronomy teacher for a private
school so you got paied very well, well enough you could afford a stone house that was 8 bedrooms, 9
bathrooms, and right on the ocean. You didn't exactly want all those rooms or need them, but you
found uses for them, one of the rooms was even used to keep your favorite books, and photos in.
You returned to your house and saw Alfred's amazing car sitting out front of your house right next to
Arthur's, both of these cars in your drive way made your dinky smart car look like it was a play toy used
by old people. You open up the back of the car and start unloading the groceries and walk to your front
door unlocking it and stepping inside. As you got into the house you smelled the most wonderful smell
you have ever smelled in a while wofting from your kitchen.
"Matthew, are you cooking?"
Matthew came out of the living room and grabbed a bag from you and helped you carry it into the
kitchen. Alfred was inside standing at your stove, and your moth fell open. He looked good in the
kitchen as if he was a god amongst men. The way he was working at your stove it was almost like he
was commanding your gas stove to do as he said. You saw Arthur looking at you from the corner of
your eyes and quickly closed your mouth and setting the bags in your arms down on the kitchen table.
"Alfred, long time no see."
Alfred turned around to face you as his jaw quickly dropped and closed again. To him you looked even
more beautiful than the last time he saw you. You still had your hair pulled back into a pony tail like you
used to in college, you where still small and petite, but you looked like you didn't need protecting like
you used to, you've most certainly  grown.  He pulled you into a tight hug.
"___________, it has been a long time. You look great."
He pushes you away to take another look at you then pulls you back in again for another hug, he didn't
want to let you go with Arthur around, and he had no clue why his brother was in your house, but
there was something about it he just didn't like. You laugh and finally pull yourself away from Alfred
wonderful hug, you where very reluctant to do so, he smelled so good. Like the food he was cooking,
with a hint of pine trees and nature, and something else you couldn't exactly put your finger on, but it
was Alfred.
"So what are you cooking?"
You started putting the groceries away.  Arthur had refused to go relax so him and Matthew where
helping you.
"I'm making something I learned while I was over In Korea... oh you don't mind if I cook Korean do
You shook your head saying you didn't mind and wondered what it would taste like.
"Really, Korean food?"
Arthur didn't really like the food it was always to spicy.
"Don't worry Arthur this one isn't spicy, and if it is I already put a portion aside that wasn't spiced at all
for you." Alfred smiled.
Arthur huffed and walked out of the kitchen as you giggled and finished pushing the milk onto the
shelf in the fridge. You hugged Matthew and he left the kitchen as well. You and Alfred where left
alone as he helped you up off the ground.
"How have you been ___________?"
Alfred smiled down at you, there was something so loving about the way he said your name and you
blushed a little as he helped you up, but you quickly shake it off so you can answer him.
"I am good. How have you been?"
You awkwardly moved around Alfred to get over to your cabinets to pull out bowls and glasses for
everyone. You where having some problems reaching the top shelf to get down the nice glasses to set
on the table, Alfred reached around you and got them down for you setting them onto the counter.
You looked up at him; blushing and biting your lower lip as you looked at his blue eyes glistening in the
afternoon sun that shown through your kitchen window. Alfred looked down at you below him a little
"Is there something on my face?"
Alfred put the last cup down and felt his face. You turned around and as doing so you realize how close
he is to you again. That sent of his it was intoxicating as you tried to push away and felt the kitchen
counter press into the small of your back. You nervously giggle and scotch out from between Alfred
and the counter and finished setting up the table before you left to go find Arthur.
"Um... Arthur I forgot to pick up flowers at the store, do you want to come and help me cut some from
the garden."
Arthur jumped up off the couch and is instantly at your side as Alfred watches from the kitchen those
blue eyes of his turning a light gray as he watched you and Arthur walk out the door.  Matthew stood
from the couch and walked over to Alfred.
"Are you ok?"
Alfred sighed and started plating up the food before you walked back in. it was a simple Korean dish
consisting of nothing more than noodles and black bean paste and cucumber. It was more of a sweet
dish then a spicy Korean dish, but it was good enough for Alfred to want to eat it again and learn how
to make it.
"Yeah, fine... I'm fine"
You and Arthur had come back inside and Alfred quickly put a smile on his face as you set a hand full of
big puffy white blue and pink hydrangeas as you plucked the vase off the window sill and placed it full
in the middle of your old blue warn wooden table in the kitchen. Alfred was already pigging down and
Matthew was trying to wrap the noodles around a fork so he could start eating, Arthur was looking at it
like it was some kind of alien food, and you just stared and looked at the boys around your table.
Remembering the last time this happened it was at that summer house in England with all those lilacs.
Hours later after you and Matthew had both gone to bed Alfred and Arthur both stood outside in your
back yard glaring at each other. Arthur got right in Alfred face grabbing him by the collar and pulling him
down to eye level.
"Did you think you could just waltz right into here and win her back again, we've going together for 2
years now, and you are not going to ruin that."
Alfred Snarled back at his older brother
"Really you love her, because I think you're just trying to take another thing I love away from me."
"So Help me Alfred if you get in my way any time this week, I will personally make sure there is a war
fought between these two countries if this is the last thing I ever do."
"Really, you're going to start a whole new just because of her, well why don't you just wheel the
Trojan horse across the pond now." Alfred was quite snide with his brother.
"So help me Alfred. You have no clue what you're doing, you're still so young."
With that Arthur walked back into the house and went to your room to curl up with you for the night.
Alfred kicked a stone across your back yard and muttered to himself.
"I'm not a kid any more Arthur."
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4…

Ooook... so my America x Reader... has kinda become a America and England x Reader... and Matthew is just in for the ride now, but I don't really know how to classify that because you as the reader also Love America and England, but... You don't really love England that much and.... I have now created a very weird Love triangle between you and Alfred and Arthur, and we still don't know why Arthur Had that ring... but Alfred don't like the fact that his brother is there at your house in Maine... by the way you live in Maine.

things mentioned in this chapter
~Jajamyun (Black Bean Noodles) - this noodle is a thicker noodle and is a year round Dish in Korea and is very good…

~Aston Martin Vanquish - this is the car that Arthur Drives in my story…

~Pagani Zonda Roadster - this is the car that Alfred drives and it's fast…

~Smart Car - this is the car that you drive, cuz you do mostly local driving in my story

~The Trojan War - this is an old war fought over a women.

if I forgot anything sorry

I do not own Hetalia or any of these characters and not you either.
© 2012 - 2024 MoHarri
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Lol im literally reading this at 3:50 am XD